A booth at the farmer’s market has fresh goat cheese in three sizes of containers. The big container is 30 ounces and costs $9.00. The medium container is 15 ounces and costs $4.95. The small container is 8 ounces and costs $2.00.

a. What is the cost per ounce for each container size?
b.What size is the best buy? Explain your reasoning.

aight listen connexus im in connexus too and you should know you should help out your peers!! dont dissapoint them

can u pls show us the answer

and your answers are....?

To find the cost per ounce for each container size, we need to divide the cost of each container by its size in ounces.

a. Cost per ounce for each container size:
- Big container (30 ounces): $9.00 / 30 ounces = $0.30 per ounce
- Medium container (15 ounces): $4.95 / 15 ounces = $0.33 per ounce
- Small container (8 ounces): $2.00 / 8 ounces = $0.25 per ounce

b. To determine the best buy, we need to find the container size that offers the lowest cost per ounce. In this case, the small container has the lowest cost per ounce at $0.25.

Explanation for the best buy:
- The small container costs the least per ounce compared to the other two sizes. This makes it the most economical choice if you are looking for the lowest cost per ounce of goat cheese.
- However, it's important to consider your specific needs. If you require a larger amount of cheese, even though the big container has a higher cost per ounce, it might still be a better value overall.

Remember, the "best buy" can vary depending on your personal preferences and requirements.

no do it your self selfish

then find the answer