Which identifies a difference between communism and capitalism?

Select all that apply.

Capitalism allows ownership of private property, while communism is based on ideas of common ownership of property.

Capitalism condemns free speech and religion, while communism embraces free speech and religion.

Capitalist societies allow freedom of the press, while information and media are censored in communist societies.

Capitalist societies are run by one-party governments, while communist societies have multiple political parties and free elections.

A and C

Sue where are you boo :(

exactly ^ come home now and answer these students questions >:(

Ms.Sue passed away awhile ago.

shes fine shes just in labor shell be back soon to tell you to stop guessing

The correct options that identify a difference between communism and capitalism are:

1) Capitalism allows ownership of private property, while communism is based on ideas of common ownership of property.
2) Capitalist societies allow freedom of the press, while information and media are censored in communist societies.

To understand these differences, it is important to have a basic understanding of communism and capitalism.

Capitalism is an economic system where trade and industry are controlled by private individuals or corporations. In a capitalist society, individuals have the right to own private property, which includes both personal possessions and means of production. This means that individuals have the freedom to buy, sell, and use property as they see fit. Private property rights are a fundamental aspect of capitalism.

On the other hand, communism is a political and economic ideology that advocates for common ownership of property and the means of production. In a communist society, there is no private ownership of property. Instead, property is owned collectively by the community or the state. The idea is that everyone in the society has equal access and control over resources. This principle of common ownership is one of the core tenets of communism.

Regarding freedom of speech, religion, and the press, the situations differ in capitalist and communist societies. While it can vary in practice, in general, capitalist societies tend to place importance on individual freedoms, including freedom of speech, religion, and the press. Capitalist societies often promote a variety of viewpoints and allow for the free expression of ideas.

In contrast, communist regimes have been known to suppress freedom of speech and religion, as well as control the flow of information through media censorship. This is often done to maintain a single ideology and prevent dissent.

It's important to note that political systems can be complex, and the actual practices seen in different countries may deviate from the general descriptions provided above. Nevertheless, these differences between capitalism and communism are commonly identified.