how do I put 5+1.5t on a grid?

like how?


the problem was this I have the answer just am clueless on the grid: A cheese pizza costs $5. Additional toppings cost $1.50 each. Write and graph an equation in two variables that represents the total cost of a pizza. Let t represent the number of toppings and c represent the total cost of the pizza.

To put the expression 5 + 1.5t on a grid, you would need to create a coordinate system that represents the values of t and the resulting expression. Here's how you can do it:

1. Draw a horizontal line to represent the t-axis and a vertical line for the expression values.
2. Label the horizontal line as the t-axis and the vertical line as the expression values.
3. Choose a suitable scale for both axes. For example, you can assign the t-axis with increments of 1 and the expression values with increments of 1 or 0.5, depending on the precision you need.
4. Mark the points on the grid by substituting different values of t into the expression and calculating the corresponding expression value.
- For example, if you want to find the value of the expression when t = 0, substitute t = 0 into the expression: 5 + 1.5(0) = 5.
- Plot a point at the intersection of the t = 0 value on the t-axis and the expression value of 5 on the vertical axis.
- Repeat this process for various values of t to plot additional points.
5. Connect the plotted points with a smooth curve to represent the function 5 + 1.5t.

By following these steps, you can graphically represent the expression 5 + 1.5t on a grid, also known as a coordinate plane or Cartesian plane.

c = 5.00 + 1.50t

see how that adds 1.50 each time a new topping is added?