a 10-acre field produced 750 bushels of corn.at that rate, how much corn can be produced from a 14-acre field? hey tanks me need much help wit dis as well as mi grammer lol

750 bushels / 10 acres = 75 bushels/acre

75 bushels/ acre * 14 acres = 14 * 75 bushels

thank u

i go to connexus too lol

so shmegzy answers got 10000000000000694201337uwunyah~~~hadr% :D

Thank you, Damon!!

Thanks extras 💥💥

Thank you Damon 1,000% correct you da man

To find out how much corn can be produced from a 14-acre field, we can use the concept of proportionality.

First, we need to determine the rate of corn production per acre in the 10-acre field. We divide the total number of bushels produced by the number of acres:

Rate of corn production per acre = Total bushels / Number of acres
Rate of corn production per acre = 750 bushels / 10 acres
Rate of corn production per acre = 75 bushels per acre

Now that we know the rate of corn production per acre, we can apply it to the 14-acre field. We multiply the rate per acre by the number of acres:

Corn produced from a 14-acre field = Rate of corn production per acre * Number of acres
Corn produced from a 14-acre field = 75 bushels per acre * 14 acres
Corn produced from a 14-acre field = 1050 bushels

Therefore, a 14-acre field can produce 1050 bushels of corn.

I hope this explanation helps! And don't worry about your grammar, I'm here to assist you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!