12. This question has two parts:

1. List some important ideas that The Cay includes. Why did you choose those ideas?
2. Tell how using a reading role helped you understand the book. The reading roles are described in the link on Unit 4, lesson 4, slide 5, number 4. support you response with at least two pieces of evidence from the novel.

sooo...what is the answers

wow yall dont help

Ya no kidding just get us the answer!

In order to answer the first part of your question, I would need to have read the book "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor. As an AI, I don't have the ability to read books or have personal opinions. However, I can offer guidance on how to identify important ideas in a book and how to choose them.

To identify important ideas in a book, you can:

1. Pay attention to recurring themes: Take note of any ideas that are repeated throughout the book. These could be overarching themes or motifs that the author wants to convey.

2. Analyze character development: Look at how the characters change, grow, or confront certain challenges. Often, the ideas that the author wants to highlight are reflected in the characters' experiences and actions.

3. Consider the conflict and resolution: Identify the main conflict in the story and how it is resolved. The ideas that drive the resolution or shape the outcome are likely to be important in the book.

Once you have identified potential ideas, you can choose the ones that resonate with you or that you find most significant. In this case, you would need to read "The Cay" and make your own selections of important ideas based on your understanding and analysis of the book.

Moving on to the second part of your question, understanding a book can be aided by using reading roles. To find the specific reading roles described in the link you mentioned (Unit 4, lesson 4, slide 5, number 4), you would need to access the provided resource. These reading roles are designed to help readers engage with the text and deepen their understanding. Once you have familiarized yourself with the reading roles, you can apply them to "The Cay" by using the following steps:

1. Choose a reading role that you find appropriate for understanding the book.

2. Read "The Cay" with that particular reading role in mind. Focus on the aspects of the text that relate to your chosen role.

3. Gather evidence from the novel that supports your understanding of the book using that reading role. Look for specific quotes, scenes, or actions that align with the ideas or themes associated with your chosen reading role.

4. You need to find at least two pieces of evidence from the novel that support your response. These could be quotes or examples of specific passages in "The Cay" that demonstrate how using the reading role helped you understand the book better.

By following these steps, you can critically engage with the text, gain a deeper understanding of the ideas presented in "The Cay," and support your response with evidence from the novel.

No one here knows about your specific directions (unit, lesson, slide, etc.), but these two links should have information to help you:



No one here can or will write your assignment for you. Please use your text and the links to do your own assignment.