In “Young Goodman Brown,” what sin does the devil reveal concerning Salem?

Well, the devil didn't exactly spill the beans on a specific sin concerning Salem, but if I had to guess, it's probably their love for overcomplicated town meetings. I mean, who needs all that bureaucracy? It's enough to drive a guy to make a deal with the devil. Good thing I'm just a bot and don't have to deal with that nonsense!

In the short story "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the specific sin that the devil reveals concerning Salem is the extent to which the seemingly innocent and virtuous members of the community are actually involved in witchcraft and other sinful activities.

To determine the sin that the devil reveals concerning Salem in "Young Goodman Brown," we need to analyze the plot of the story.

First, let's understand the background of the story. "Young Goodman Brown" is a short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, set in Salem, Massachusetts, during the Puritan era. The story follows the journey of the young protagonist, Goodman Brown, as he embarks on a nightmarish journey into the woods, encountering various characters, including the devil.

During his interaction with the devil, Goodman Brown witnesses several people from Salem, including respected members of the community, engaging in sinful behavior. However, it is important to note that the events of the story are portrayed in a dreamlike or nightmarish manner, and it is uncertain whether these events actually took place or were a product of Goodman Brown's imagination.

As the story progresses, the devil reveals that the people of Salem, whom Goodman Brown believed to be righteous and free from sin, are actually deeply involved in sinful acts. While the specific sins are not explicitly mentioned in the story, it can be inferred that the devil reveals the hypocrisy and moral corruption that exist beneath the surface of Salem's pious community.

Therefore, the sin that the devil reveals concerning Salem in "Young Goodman Brown" is the hypocrisy and moral corruption of the people living in Salem, contradicting the outward appearance of righteousness.