Determine the type of reasoning: inductive or deductive

Maribeth always makes her car payments on time, so she is confident that her credit score will be good when she checks it.

We have to pick one, but I can see it both ways.
Inductive is based on specific examples, and the specific example here is that she always makes her car payments on time, so obviously she knows that her credit score will be good.

Deductive is based on known rules or principles, and it is a known fact that if you make your payments on time, your credit score will be good.

So.....I don't know which this is, inductive or deductive!!!

Thank you

Which moves from a specific to a generalized conclusion?

Based on the given reasoning, it is appropriate to classify it as deductive reasoning.

In deductive reasoning, conclusions are drawn from known rules or principles. In this case, the known rule or principle is that if one makes their car payments on time, their credit score will be good. Maribeth's confidence is based on this known rule, indicating that her credit score will be good because she always makes her car payments on time.

In contrast, inductive reasoning involves drawing conclusions based on specific examples or observations. For example, if Maribeth had said, "I know people who always make their car payments on time, and their credit scores are good," then it would be an example of inductive reasoning, as it is based on specific examples rather than a known rule.