what influences can be seen in today's modern musical instruments from west african harp?

The Guitar

In what ways did European empires in the Americas resemble their Russian, Chinese, Mughal, and Ottoman counterparts, and in what respects were they different?

To identify the influences that can be seen in today's modern musical instruments from the West African harp, we can examine two main factors: historical context and musical characteristics.

1. Historical Context:
The historical context provides insights into how cultural exchanges and migrations have influenced the development of musical instruments. In the case of the West African harp, also known as the kora, its influence can be traced back to a time when West African musicians encountered other cultures through intercontinental trade, slave trade, and colonialism.

2. Musical Characteristics:
Analyzing the musical characteristics of the West African harp helps identify elements that have been incorporated into modern instruments. Here are a few examples:

a. Stringed Instruments:
The kora is a stringed instrument that inspired the development of various modern stringed instruments. For instance, the guitar, with its fretted neck and plucked strings, has similarities to the kora. Instruments like the banjo and the lute also draw inspiration from the kora's construction and playing techniques.

b. Picking Techniques:
The kora's unique picking techniques, such as thumb and index finger plucking, have influenced the playing styles of numerous modern instruments. For instance, the fingerstyle guitar technique, popular in genres like folk, blues, and classical music, can be seen as an adaptation of the kora's playing style.

c. Musical Scales and Tonal Systems:
West African music is known for its rich melodic and rhythmic traditions, which include unique musical scales and tonal systems. These influences can be heard in various modern musical genres, where composers and musicians incorporate non-western scales and tonalities into their compositions.

d. Percussion Instruments:
While not directly related to the kora, West African music is renowned for its diverse percussion instruments. The rhythmic patterns and techniques employed on these instruments have found their way into modern percussion ensembles and drumming traditions worldwide.

When examining modern musical instruments, it's important to understand the historical and cultural context in which they developed and the influence of various musical traits. By considering these factors, we can recognize the impact of the West African harp and its musical traditions on today's instruments.