Hi guys! I am desperately in need of help. I really need to do good on this test but I am uncertain if I am doing this portion correctly. Can someone check my work?

11. Which inequality matches the graph?
(The dot on the graph is at 1 and the arrow is pointing that way <-------)
A. 5x+6>11
B. 5x+6(underlined>)11
C. 5x+6<11*****************
D. 5x+6(underlined<)11

12. Which inequality matches the graph?
(The dot on the graph is at 2 and the arrow is pointing that way ---------->)
A. 5p+4>14*********
B. 5p+4(underlined>)
C. 5p-4>14
D. -5+4>14

11. C
12. A

I did not guess on those but I most likely got them wrong. I don't understand this topic. Thank you in advanced to anyone that helps me, I'm desperate. <3

It is really quite simple

You are actually using the direction of the inequality symbol correctly
when you describe your graph.
When you said "pointing that way <-------)" , you described the symbol <
and of course > would show a directions -----> , or going to the right

11) 5x+6<11
5x < 5
x < 1 , so all values to the LEFT of 1, you were correct

12) 5p+4>14
5p > 10
p > 2 , which is "(The dot on the graph is at 2 and the arrow is pointing that way ---------->)"
and which was A, your original choice.

That's all there is to this

wait, sorry I think the 2nd one is D

oh... ok! thank you. so, C and A?

To determine which inequality matches the given graph, you need to understand the concept of inequalities and how they are graphed.

Inequalities are mathematical statements that compare two expressions using inequality symbols such as > (greater than), < (less than), ≥ (greater than or equal to), or ≤ (less than or equal to). Graphing an inequality involves representing the solution set of values on a number line.

Let's analyze each question separately:

11. The dot on the graph is at 1 and the arrow is pointing to the left (<-------). This indicates that the graph includes all values less than 1, but does not include 1 itself. To express this as an inequality, you need to use the < (less than) symbol. Therefore, the correct answer is option C. 5x + 6 < 11.

12. The dot on the graph is at 2, and the arrow is pointing to the right (---------->). This indicates that the graph includes all values greater than 2, including 2 itself. To express this as an inequality, you need to use the ≥ (greater than or equal to) symbol. Therefore, the correct answer is option A. 5p + 4 ≥ 14.

Based on your answers, it seems like you got question 11 correct (C) and question 12 incorrect (A). Make sure to review the concepts of graphing inequalities and pay attention to the direction of the arrow on the graph in relation to the values it includes.

If you're still unsure, consider asking a teacher or classmate for further clarification or practice. Additionally, you can try using online resources or tutorials that explain graphing inequalities. Remember, practice and understanding will help improve your performance. Good luck on your test!