A nonnative species of animal is introduced into a healthy ecosystem. In its new environment, this species has no predators, although it preys on several native animals in the ecosystem. Make a prediction about the biodiversity and health of this ecosystem

A. Biodiversity and ecosystem health with both increase in the future

B. Biodiversity and ecosystem health will both decrease in the future ***

C. Biodiversity will decrease and ecosystem health will increase in the future

D. Biodiversity will increase and ecosystem health will decrease in the future

i think your rigth

looks good

B. Biodiversity and ecosystem health will both decrease in the future.

When a nonnative species is introduced into a new environment without natural predators, it can often outcompete native species for resources. This can lead to a decrease in the populations of native species, which can in turn disrupt the balance of the ecosystem. As native species decline, the overall biodiversity of the ecosystem decreases. Additionally, the loss of native species can reduce the overall health and stability of the ecosystem, as each species plays a crucial role in maintaining ecosystem functions. Therefore, the introduction of a nonnative species that preys on native animals is likely to result in a decrease in both biodiversity and ecosystem health in the future.

The correct answer is B. Biodiversity and ecosystem health will both decrease in the future.

When a nonnative species is introduced into a healthy ecosystem without any predators, it can have detrimental effects on the native species. Since the introduced species preys on several native animals, it can lead to a decrease in the population of these native species. As a result, the biodiversity of the ecosystem will decrease as the variety of native species decreases.

Furthermore, the loss of native species can disrupt the balance and functioning of the ecosystem. Native species often play important roles in maintaining ecological processes such as pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient cycling. Their decline can lead to a decline in ecosystem health, affecting the overall well-being of the ecosystem.

Overall, introducing a nonnative species without predators can disrupt the natural balance of an ecosystem, leading to a decrease in biodiversity and a decline in ecosystem health over time.