Chinese settlement was restricted to the west by which natural barrier?

the Pacific Ocean

the Gobi Desert

the Huang River

the Himalaya Mountains

i picked D i just need to know if im right

B connexus 100%

Give me the answer I ne

what are the answers

To determine whether your answer is correct, we can look at the options and the geography of China.

Option A: the Pacific Ocean. This is not correct because China is bounded by the Pacific Ocean on its east coast, not its west coast.

Option B: the Gobi Desert. This could potentially be correct because the Gobi Desert is located in northern China and acts as a natural barrier. However, the Gobi Desert does not restrict Chinese settlement to the west but rather to the north.

Option C: the Huang River (also known as the Yellow River). This is not correct because the Huang River runs through central China and does not serve as a natural barrier restricting Chinese settlement to the west.

Option D: the Himalaya Mountains. This is the most likely correct answer. The Himalaya Mountains, located in southwestern China, act as a natural barrier that prevents Chinese settlement from expanding further west.

Therefore, based on the geography of China and the options provided, it is most likely that the correct answer is D.

Hi! Billy Mays here to introduce you to the Gobi desert! A large desert separating the Chinese settlement from the east!