What number will equal 47,000 if rounded to the nearest thousand

it is 46,295


To find the number that will equal 47,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand, we need to understand the rounding process.

Rounding to the nearest thousand means that we round the given number to the nearest multiple of 1,000. Here's how to do it:

1. Start with the given number, which is 47,000 in this case.
2. Look at the hundreds digit of the given number, which is 7 in this case.
3. If the hundreds digit is less than 5, we round down. In this case, the hundreds digit is 7, so it is not less than 5.
4. If the hundreds digit is 5 or greater, we round up. In this case, the hundreds digit is 7, so we need to round up.
5. To round up to the nearest thousand, increase the thousands digit by one and set all the lower place values (hundreds and below) to zero. In this case, the thousands digit is 4, so we increase it by one which gives us 5. We set the hundreds and lower place values to zero, so the final rounded number is 50,000.

Therefore, the number that will equal 47,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand is 50,000.