calvin buys 3/5 pound of ground beef. he divides the beef into 6 equal portions.

a)find the weight of 1 portion of beef.
b)fin the weight of 4 portions of beef.

3 / 5 = 6 / 10

a. (3/5)/6 = 3/5 * 1/6 = 3/30 = 1/10 Lb.

b. 4 * 1/10 = 4/10 = 2/5 L/b.

a) To find the weight of 1 portion of beef, we need to divide the total weight of ground beef (3/5 pound) by the number of portions (6).

Weight of 1 portion = (3/5 pound) / 6 = 3/5 * 1/6 = 3/30 = 1/10 pound

Therefore, the weight of 1 portion of beef is 1/10 pound.

b) To find the weight of 4 portions of beef, we need to multiply the weight of 1 portion by 4.

Weight of 4 portions = (1/10 pound) * 4 = 4/10 = 2/5 pound

Therefore, the weight of 4 portions of beef is 2/5 pound.

To find the weight of 1 portion of beef, you need to divide the total weight of the ground beef (which is 3/5 pound) by the number of portions (which is 6).

a) Weight of 1 portion = (Weight of ground beef) / (Number of portions)
= (3/5) / 6
= (3/5) * (1/6)
= 3/30
= 1/10

Therefore, the weight of 1 portion of beef is 1/10 pound.

b) To find the weight of 4 portions of beef, you would simply multiply the weight of 1 portion by 4.

Weight of 4 portions = 4 * (Weight of 1 portion)
= 4 * (1/10)
= 4/10
= 2/5

Therefore, the weight of 4 portions of beef is 2/5 pound.