plz help me. If Jason spends 2 2/3 hours more at the camp, he will complete 7 hours of camp counseling. How many hours has he worked as a counselor so far?

To find out how many hours Jason has worked as a counselor so far, we need to subtract the additional 2 2/3 hours he needs to spend from the total of 7 hours.

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 2 2/3 hours to an improper fraction.
2 2/3 = 8/3

Step 2: Subtract the converted fraction from the total of 7 hours.
7 - 8/3 = 21/3 - 8/3 = 13/3

Step 3: Simplify the answer, which is an improper fraction, to a mixed number.
13/3 = 4 1/3

Therefore, Jason has worked as a camp counselor for 4 hours and 1/3 (or 4.33) hours so far.

To find out how many hours Jason has worked as a counselor so far, we need to subtract the additional 2 2/3 hours from the total hours completed.

First, let's start by converting the mixed number (2 2/3) into an improper fraction:
2 2/3 = (2 * 3 + 2) / 3 = 8/3

Now, we can subtract the converted fraction from the total hours completed:
Total hours completed - Additional hours = Hours Jason has worked so far
7 hours - 8/3 hours = ?

To subtract the fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The common denominator for 3 and 1 is also 3. So, we can rewrite the equation as:
7 hours - 8/3 hours = (7 * 3/3) - 8/3 = 21/3 - 8/3 = 13/3

Therefore, Jason has worked as a camp counselor for 13/3 hours so far.

However, to simplify the answer, we can convert the improper fraction back into a mixed number:
13/3 = 4 1/3

So, Jason has worked as a camp counselor for 4 1/3 hours so far.

Subtract 2 2/3 from 7.

h + 2 2/3 = 7.

h = 7-2 2/3 = 7 - 8/3 = 21/3 - 8/3 =