Legalism helped lead to rebellions after Shi Huangdi's death because under Legalism, a minor crime received punishments that

A. were too severe.

B. cost too much

C. focused on the community

D. were to merciful

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I picked A, i'm not necessarily sure and if I look in my text I can't find anything that relates to this.

If you look up “legalism” in, you’ll know for sure.

Legalism helped lead to rebellions after Shi Huangdi's death because under Legalism, a minor crime received punishments that

To determine the answer to this question, consider the principles of Legalism and how they could have affected the people's response after Shi Huangdi's death.

Legalism was an ancient Chinese philosophy that emphasized strict laws, harsh punishments, and central authority. It aimed to maintain social order and obedience by instilling fear in the people. With this in mind, we can evaluate the given options.

A. Punishments that were too severe: This aligns with the principles of Legalism, where strict laws and harsh punishments were the norm. However, if punishments were excessively severe, they could have resulted in public dissatisfaction and potentially led to rebellions.

B. Punishments that cost too much: There is no direct indication that the cost of punishments influenced rebellions in this context. Legalism focused more on the severity and strictness of punishments rather than their financial implications.

C. Punishments that focused on the community: Legalism primarily emphasized the centralized authority and the obedience of the individual to the state. While punishments may have affected the community indirectly, they were more concerned with maintaining social order and obedience on an individual level.

D. Punishments that were too merciful: This option contradicts the principles of Legalism, which advocated for strict laws and harsh punishments. If punishments were lenient or merciful, it is unlikely that they would have contributed to rebellions.

Based on the principles of Legalism and the context of the question, the most plausible answer is A. Punishments that were too severe. Excessive severity in punishments, as prescribed by Legalism, may have provoked public dissatisfaction and led to rebellions after Shi Huangdi's death.