A map shows the distance between the corner of Cactus Road and 1st Street and the corner of 1st Street and Merle Road as 3 inches. If the scale is 1 in. : 3.7 mi, what is the actual distance?

3 * 3.7 = ?

To find the actual distance between the two corners, we need to use the given scale. The scale states that 1 inch on the map represents 3.7 miles in reality.

First, find the distance on the map, which is given as 3 inches. Now, you can set up a proportion:

1 inch on the map ➝ 3.7 miles in reality

3 inches on the map ➝ x miles in reality

To solve for x, cross-multiply:

3 inches * 3.7 miles = x miles

x = 11.1 miles

Therefore, the actual distance between the corner of Cactus Road and 1st Street and the corner of 1st Street and Merle Road is 11.1 miles.