At currency exchange, 3 US dollars can be exchanged for 5 Japanese Yin. How many Yin will you recieve for 1 US dollar?

If 3 US dollars can be exchanged for 5 Japanese Yin, then

1 US dollar can be exchanged for 5/3 Japanese Yin.

To find out how many Yin you will receive for 1 US dollar, you need to determine the exchange rate by comparing the number of Yin that can be obtained for a specific amount of US dollars.

Given that 3 US dollars can be exchanged for 5 Japanese Yin, we can set up a proportion:

3 US dollars / 5 Japanese Yin = 1 US dollar / x Japanese Yin

To solve for x (the number of Yin received for 1 US dollar), we can use cross-multiplication:

3 US dollars * x Japanese Yin = 5 Japanese Yin * 1 US dollar

3x = 5

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate x:

x = 5 / 3

Therefore, you will receive approximately 1.67 Japanese Yin for 1 US dollar at this currency exchange rate.