What is a theme in Osiris and Isis?

Osiris and Isis

A. Fame has a price.

B. Love is stronger than hatred.

C. Things are rarely as they appear.

D. Actions speak louder than words.


To determine the theme in a literary work, it is helpful to analyze the overall message or lesson that the story conveys. In the case of the myth of Osiris and Isis, the theme can be inferred by examining the events, character motivations, and conflicts within the story.

The myth of Osiris and Isis primarily revolves around the love between the two deities and their pursuit of justice and eternal life. Osiris, the ruler of Egypt, is betrayed and murdered by his brother Set. Isis, Osiris' wife and sister, embarks on a quest to resurrect her husband and bring him back to life. Ultimately, their love triumphs over Set's evil intentions, and Osiris is restored to life.

Based on this analysis, the theme of love is stronger than hatred can be identified as the most appropriate choice. This theme is evident in the unwavering love and devotion that Isis displays towards Osiris, as she overcomes numerous obstacles to bring him back from the dead.

Therefore, your selection of option B, "Love is stronger than hatred," is correct.

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