Hi i hope you can help me

Which of these text aids or features would be the most helpful in determining the key idea of a text?
A. maps and charts
B. tables and graphs (my answer)
C. photos and captions
D. titles and headings

You are driving down a road off the main highway near Deming, New Mexico. Suddenly, in the midst of a mesa of tall yellow grass, you see amazing columns of stones. Some stones are forty feet tall. As you get closer, you see that other stones form arches, and still others appear as clusters of stone creatures. Welcome to the City of Rocks State Park. When volcanoes erupted in this area, millions of years ago, they spewed out fiery pieces of rock that settled and fused to form a large layer of rock. The layer cooled and then cracked. Over the years, wind, sand, rain, and other natural forces sculpted the rock into the shapes you see today. The volcanic activity also produced hot springs in the area. The park is about 28 miles northwest of Deming. The road that takes you to the park continues north to the Gila National Forest.

Part A - Which of the following sentences best states the main idea of the selection?
A. The City of Rocks is a state park.
B.Volcanoes erupted in this area.
C.The City of Rocks is an amazing sight. (my answer)
D.New Mexico has many state parks.

Part B - Which of the following is an important detail that supports the correct answer to the previous question?
A.Some of the stones are forty feet tall.
B.The City of Rocks is near Deming, New Mexico.
C.The area is a mesa with tall grasses.
D.Natural forces helped shape the City of Rocks. (my answer)

Wouldn't it make more sense if it has titles and headings? With a title you know more less what it would be about for example, the title "All about frogs" you know more less the story will be about frogs right?

thank you

I did more research on this and I think you are right on the first one but wrong on the second.

Would a table and graph really help with knowing what the story will be about?

No problem.

b the city of rocks is near deming new mexico

Great job on your answers!

To determine the key idea of a text, you can look for specific text aids or features that provide helpful information. In this case, the most helpful text aid in determining the key idea would be D. titles and headings. Titles and headings often provide a concise summary or main idea of a text section, making it easier to identify the key idea.

Now let's review your answers for the given text:

Part A - You selected C. "The City of Rocks is an amazing sight." This is the correct answer. This sentence best states the main idea of the selection, as it highlights the unique and remarkable nature of the City of Rocks.

Part B - You selected D. "Natural forces helped shape the City of Rocks." This is also the correct answer. This detail supports the main idea because it explains how wind, sand, rain, and other natural forces played a significant role in sculpting the rocks into the shapes seen today.

Well done on your answers! Keep in mind that when answering questions about a text, it's helpful to carefully read the text and pay attention to details, titles, and headings to grasp the main idea and find supporting information.