1. Write a ratio and a percent for the shaded area.

A. 6/25, 30%
B. 3/50, 6%
C. 6/25, 24%
D. 3/10, 30%

2. Model 24% on a 5 x 5 grid.

3. Write a ratio as a percent

In the seventh grade class, 19/25 students voted in favor of having a class picnic.

A. 76%
B. 78%
C. 72%
D. 95%

For one what is the shaded area?

For 3 what is 19 divided by 25 to get the percent.

the area is 6x6 and the shaded area is 4x3)

Let's start with 3 since it is very easy: What is 19 divided by 25? Let me know what you get.

1. To find the ratio and percent for the shaded area, we first need to know the total area and the shaded area. Unfortunately, the given options do not provide this information. Therefore, we cannot accurately determine the ratio and percent for the shaded area without additional information. It is not possible to answer this question.

2. To model 24% on a 5x5 grid, we need to shade squares to represent 24% of the total area. In a 5x5 grid, there are 25 squares in total.

To represent 24%, we calculate 24% of 25: 0.24 x 25 = 6.

Therefore, we need to shade 6 squares on the 5x5 grid to model 24%.

3. To write a ratio as a percent, we will convert the given ratio into a decimal and then multiply it by 100 to get the percentage.

The ratio is 19/25.

To convert the ratio into a decimal, divide 19 by 25: 19 รท 25 = 0.76.

To convert the decimal into a percent, multiply it by 100: 0.76 x 100 = 76.

Therefore, the ratio 19/25 is equivalent to 76%.

The correct answer is A. 76%.