How many mol of potassium (K) are present in cereal that claims to have 7.00 g of potassium per serving?

Periodic Table Reference Sheet

2.74 × 10^2 g K
1.79 × 10^–1 g K
3.13 × 10^–1 g K
1.57 × 10^1 g K

1.57 × 10^1 g K?

It is not 2.74 or 3.13

The correct answer is 1.79 × 10–1 g K

what was the answer bruh

To determine the number of moles of potassium (K) present in the cereal, you need to use the molar mass of potassium from the periodic table and apply the formula:

Number of moles = Mass of substance (in grams) / Molar mass

The molar mass of potassium (K) is approximately 39.1 g/mol.

Now let's calculate:

Mass of potassium (K) in the given sample = 7.00 g

Number of moles = 7.00 g / 39.1 g/mol

Number of moles ≈ 0.179 mol

Therefore, the correct answer would be 1.79 × 10^–1 g K, which is approximately 0.179 mol.

mols = grams/atomic mass = ?