can someone please check my answers thank you.

1.)lenin founded the comintern as a way to
a. spread the revolution
b.take over the government
c.suppress soviet dissidents
d.improve soviet relations with other nations
i chose a
2.)isolationists in the united states believed that
a.the united states should have entered the war sooner than it did
b.the united states should proclaim economic sanctions against germany
c.europe's wars were of no concern to the united states
d.great britain needed help from the united states
i chose c
3.)great britain declared war after german troops marched in belgium because wanted belgium as an ally
b.germany might seize control of the english channel
c.germany was violating the 1839 guarantee
d.belgium did not have an army to defend itself
i chose c
4.)the boxer rebellion,the open door policy,and the treaty of portsmouth all
a.strengthened china
b.contributed to an increase in chinese trade
c.weakened china
d.helped to close china to foreign trade
i chose a
5.)one of the causes of the great depression was
a.rising wages and prices
b.falling wages and prices
c.very slow fluctuations in business activity
d. inconsistent growth in agricultural productions
i chose b

1.) To check if your answer to the first question is correct, you can research the founding of the Comintern. Lenin founded the Comintern (short for Communist International) with the aim of spreading the revolution. If you find information that supports this answer, then your choice of "a. spread the revolution" is correct.

2.) For the second question, to check if your answer is correct, you need to understand the belief of isolationists in the United States during a specific time period. Isolationists believed that Europe's wars were of no concern to the United States and they should avoid involvement. If your research confirms this belief, then your choice of "c. Europe's wars were of no concern to the United States" is correct.

3.) To check the third question, you can research the reasons behind Great Britain declaring war after German troops marched in Belgium. It is important to understand the historical context and events surrounding this declaration. You will find that Great Britain declared war because Germany was violating the treaty guarantee of Belgian neutrality, which was established in 1839. If your research supports this, then your choice of "c. Germany was violating the 1839 guarantee" is correct.

4.) To check the fourth question, you can research the Boxer Rebellion, Open Door Policy, and Treaty of Portsmouth and how they impacted China. Focus on the overall effects these events had on China's strength or weakness. You will discover that these events weakened China, as they resulted in foreign interventions, loss of territories, and unequal treaties. If your research aligns with this, then your choice of "c. weakened China" is correct.

5.) To check the last question, you can research the causes of the Great Depression. Examine factors that contributed to the collapse of the economy during that time. You will find that one of the significant causes of the Great Depression was falling wages and prices, as it led to decreased consumer spending and economic downturn. If your research supports this, then your choice of "b. falling wages and prices" is correct.

Remember, it is always a good practice to conduct research and gather information to verify your answers.