Summarize the actions of the United States throughout World War 1.

Y'all got any ideas? I searched on google but nothing really helped.

No we won't, no way

changed our minds, coming
Over there!
stinky mess, trenches, charges
French and Brits ok
stopped the bums

For a really far out position:

( from :

Which brings us to Woodrow Wilson, whose failures of commission probably had the most dire consequences of any U.S. president. His great flaw was his sanctimonious nature, more stark and distilled than that of any other president, even John Quincy Adams (who was no piker in the sanctimony department). He thought he always knew best, because he thought he knew more than anybody else. Combine that with a powerful humanitarian sensibility, and you get a president who wants to change the world for the betterment of mankind. Watch out for such leaders.

Even during his first term, with war raging in Europe, he sought to get the United States involved as a neutral mediator, fostering a peace agreement to break the tragic stalemate that had the nations of Europe in its grip. When that effort was rebuffed, he ran for reelection by hailing himself as the man who kept the United States out of the war.

But, immediately upon entering his second term, he sought to get his country into the war by manipulating neutrality policy. While proclaiming U.S. neutrality, he favored Britain by observing the British blockade of Germany (imposed, said a young Winston Churchill, to starve Germans, including German infants, into submission) and by allowing armed British merchant ships entry to U.S. ports, which in turn fostered a flow of U.S. munitions to the Allied powers. At the same time, Wilson declared that Germany would be held to a “strict accountability” for any American loss of life or property from Germany’s submarine attacks. This policy applied, said Wilson, even if affected Americans traveling or working on British or French ships. He declined to curtail what he considered Americans’ “right” to travel on vessels tied to France or Britain (but not Germany).

Wilson was warned, most notably by his secretary of state, William Jennings Bryan, that these lopsided policies inevitably would pull America into the war. When he ignored those warnings, Bryan resigned from the Wilson cabinet on a stand of principle.

As Bryan predicted, America did get pulled into the conflict, and it certainly appears that that was Wilson’s intention all along. Then three things happened.

First, Wilson conducted the war in ways that devastated the home front. Prices shot up into double digits, and then came a potent economic recession that lasted three years. He accepted the suppression of civil liberties by his notorious attorney general, A. Mitchell Palmer. His government nationalized many private industries, including the telegraph, telephone and railroad industries, along with the distribution of coal. Race riots erupted in numerous cities that claimed nearly 150 lives in two years.

Forgot this :

Certainly! To summarize the actions of the United States throughout World War 1, here are the key points:

1. Neutrality: At the beginning of the war in 1914, the United States declared its neutrality and sought to remain out of the conflict.

2. Economic Support: Although officially neutral, the U.S. played a significant role in supporting the Allies (mainly Britain and France) economically by providing loans, loans, and supplies.

3. U-boat Attacks: As the war progressed, Germany's use of unrestricted submarine warfare increased. Several U.S. merchant ships were sunk, leading to public outrage.

4. Entry into the War: In 1917, Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmermann Telegram (Germany proposed an alliance with Mexico against the U.S.) led to America's entry into the war.

5. Mobilization: The United States rapidly mobilized its military, expanding its navy, army, and air force. Large numbers of troops were deployed to Europe to fight alongside the Allies.

6. Major Battles: American forces played important roles in battles such as the Second Battle of the Marne, which marked a turning point in the war, and the Meuse-Argonne Offensive, a decisive battle that weakened the German position.

7. Treaty of Versailles: After the war, the United States played a significant role in negotiating the Treaty of Versailles which ended the conflict, led to the establishment of the League of Nations, and imposed harsh terms on Germany.

To find additional information on the actions of the United States in World War 1, you can search specific battle names, key figures involved such as General John J. Pershing, or dive deeper into books, online resources, or documentaries dedicated to this topic.