I'm doing a physics project where I have to find plans for a device and then build it and type a report demonstrating the physics behind it. However, the materials can't cost more than $75 total. I'm having trouble finding any plans, especially ones that are interesting, inexpensive, and easy to build. I would appreciate any links to websites that show step-by-step instructions on how to build a device that's feasible for the project. Thank you.

What about a model plane?


Or a toy?(Broken Link Removed)

or a neat thing here

Finding plans for an interesting, inexpensive, and easy-to-build device can be a bit challenging, but I can help you with some tips and resources to aid your search. Here's what you can do:

1. Define your project: Determine the specific area of physics you want to explore. This will help you narrow down your search and find relevant devices or experiments.

2. Search online platforms: Websites such as Instructables, Make: Projects, Popular Science, and Science Buddies have a vast collection of DIY projects and step-by-step instructions. Start by browsing their physics or science sections to find a suitable project within your budget.

3. Utilize search engines: Use specific search terms related to your project, such as "DIY physics projects under $75" or "inexpensive physics experiment plans." Adding specific keywords will help refine your search results.

4. Explore YouTube tutorials: YouTube is an excellent resource for finding visual step-by-step instructions. Search for "DIY physics projects" or your specific topic, and you'll likely find various video tutorials to guide you through the construction process.

5. Consider open-source projects: Websites like GitHub or Hackaday.io often feature open-source projects, where people share their designs and instructions freely. These platforms could provide you with unique and interesting projects that fit your budget.

6. Seek inspiration from science fair websites: Websites dedicated to science fairs showcase a wide range of DIY experiments and projects. Although not all may fit your budget, they can inspire you to modify or develop your own low-cost version.

Remember, while searching for plans, consider the availability and cost of materials required for each project. Assessing the feasibility of materials within your budget is crucial.

If you encounter specific difficulties during your search or need further assistance, feel free to ask for more help. Good luck with your physics project!