1) if you choose to become a diplomat after college which of the following will be you primary job?

A) organizing military operations involving two or more countries
B) promoting a friendly and open relationship with another government
C) determining whether another government is a threat to world peace
D) developing policies on election processes in other countries***


No, What does your reading assignment say?

From Google:

a diplomat is an official who represents his or her country in other nations.


r those the answers @ur mom?

why tf were yall doin this assessment last year?? im only just now getting it...



To determine the primary job of a diplomat, we need to understand the role of a diplomat and the primary responsibilities they have. A diplomat is an official representative of a country who interacts with other countries to promote and protect their own country's interests, maintain diplomatic relations, negotiate agreements, and resolve conflicts.

Based on this information, the primary job of a diplomat after college would most likely be option B) promoting a friendly and open relationship with another government. This is because diplomats are often tasked with building and maintaining diplomatic relations, fostering cooperation and understanding, and promoting peace and good-will between nations.

Options A) organizing military operations involving two or more countries, and C) determining whether another government is a threat to world peace, are more aligned with the roles and responsibilities of military personnel and intelligence analysts, respectively, rather than diplomats.

Option D) developing policies on election processes in other countries can be a task for diplomats, but it is not their primary job. Evaluating and providing assistance on election processes in other countries can fall under the broader umbrella of promoting democracy and human rights, but it is not the main focus of a diplomat's duties.

i didnt have one