Which of the following measures could be 432 square inches?

A. The width of a car
B. The area of a doormat*********
C. The volume of a suitecase
D. The perimeter of a classroom

Right. Areas are measured in sq in

Thanks MSmith!

area of a doormat

To determine which of the following measures could be 432 square inches, we need to understand that square inches are used to measure area.

A. The width of a car: The width of a car is typically measured in feet or meters, not square inches. Therefore, option A is not 432 square inches.

B. The area of a doormat: This option states that it could be 432 square inches. Since we know that area is measured in square units, and a doormat is something that has a specific area, it is plausible that the area of a doormat could be 432 square inches. Therefore, option B is a possible answer.

C. The volume of a suitcase: The volume of a suitcase is measured in cubic units, not square inches. Therefore, option C is not 432 square inches.

D. The perimeter of a classroom: The perimeter is the measurement of the distance around the outside edge of a shape, which is typically measured in linear units, like inches or feet. Since 432 square inches is a measure of area and not distance, option D is not 432 square inches.

In conclusion, the only measure from the options given that could be 432 square inches is option B, which is the area of a doormat.