Which expression can be written as 4 • (3 + 8)?

The answer is (4 • 3) + (4 • 8). How could I write an equation to show how I got my answer?

( 4x3) + (4 x 8)

Thank$ @Mari

your Welcome @Cardi B

To show how you got your answer, you can write an equation that demonstrates the distributive property used in this case.

The distributive property states that for any numbers a, b, and c, a • (b + c) is equal to (a • b) + (a • c).

In this case, you can write the equation:

4 • (3 + 8) = (4 • 3) + (4 • 8)

This equation shows that you distributed the multiplication of 4 to both the 3 and the 8 inside the parentheses, and then added the results together.

Simplifying further, you get:

4 • 11 = 12 + 32

44 = 44

This shows that both sides of the equation are equal, confirming that the expression 4 • (3 + 8) is indeed equivalent to (4 • 3) + (4 • 8).