1. Write a ratio and a and a percent for the shaded area. (the area is 6x6 and the shaded area is 4x3)

My answer is 1/3 and 33.33

2.Model 25% on a 4x3 grid

My answer is the 3 shaded areas on the 4x3 grid.

3.Write the ratio as a percent.
In the second grade class, 19/25 students voted in favor of having a class picnic.

My answer is 76%

4.Write the decimal as a percent

My answer is 4%

5.write the percent as a decimal

My answer is .928

6.Order from Least to Greatest
.8, 7/8, 81%, 19/25.

My answer is 19/25, .8, 81% and 7/8

7.In a candy bar, 108 calories are from sugar. There are 240 calories in the candy bar. What percent of the calories are from sugar.

My answer is 60%

8.Write the fraction as a percent.

My answer is 66.7%

9. Write the fraction as a percent
5 2/5

My answer is 540%

There are more questions but these are the ones that im not positive about.

#7 ... less than half of the calories are from sugar

check your answer

Okay so, you want someone to check your answers? So someone may have to submit an assignment, risking their grade to help you. I do not think this is what you're saying but I just want to clarify.

1. Your answer is correct. The ratio is 4:3 and the percent is 33.33%.

2. Your answer is not clear. To model 25% on a 4x3 grid, you would shade 1/4 of the total grid. This would mean shading the first row completely and the first 3 columns in the second row.

3. To write the ratio as a percent, you would divide the numerator (19) by the denominator (25) and multiply by 100. The correct answer is 76%.

4. Your answer is correct. The decimal .04 can be written as 4%.

5. Your answer is correct. The percent 92.8% can be written as the decimal .928.

6. Your answer is correct. The correct order from least to greatest is 19/25, .8, 81%, and 7/8.

7. Your answer is incorrect. To find the percent of calories from sugar, you would divide the number of calories from sugar (108) by the total number of calories (240) and multiply by 100. The correct answer is 45%.

8. Your answer is incorrect. To write the fraction 8/12 as a percent, you would divide 8 by 12 and multiply by 100. The correct answer is 66.67%.

9. Your answer is incorrect. To write the fraction 5 2/5 as a percent, you would first convert the mixed number to an improper fraction (27/5) and then divide 27 by 5 and multiply by 100. The correct answer is 540%.

Let's go through each question and check your answers:

1. Write a ratio and a percent for the shaded area. (the area is 6x6 and the shaded area is 4x3)

Your answer: 1/3 and 33.33
Correct! The ratio of the shaded area to the total area is 1/3, and 33.33% represents the shaded area's percentage of the total area.

2. Model 25% on a 4x3 grid

Your answer: the 3 shaded areas on the 4x3 grid
I'm afraid this is not correct. To model 25% on a 4x3 grid, you need to shade 25% of the total squares, which is equivalent to 25% of (4x3) = 3 squares. You can choose any three squares to shade to represent 25%.

3. Write the ratio as a percent.
In the second-grade class, 19/25 students voted in favor of having a class picnic.

Your answer: 76%
Almost there! To write the ratio 19/25 as a percent, you need to divide 19 by 25 and multiply the result by 100. The calculation gives you (19/25) * 100 = 76%. So your answer should be 76%.

4. Write the decimal as a percent

Your answer: 4%
Correct! To convert a decimal to a percent, you move the decimal point two places to the right. So 0.04 becomes 4%.

5. Write the percent as a decimal

Your answer: 0.928
Yes, that's correct! To write a percent as a decimal, you divide by 100 and remove the percentage sign. So 92.8% becomes 0.928.

6. Order from Least to Greatest:
0.8, 7/8, 81%, 19/25

Your answer: 19/25, 0.8, 81%, and 7/8
Correct! When ordering decimal, fractions, and percentages, it is helpful to convert them to a common form. In this case, you converted 81% and 7/8 to decimal form, and then ordered them from least to greatest.

7. In a candy bar, 108 calories are from sugar. There are 240 calories in the candy bar. What percent of the calories are from sugar?

Your answer: 60%
Not quite! To find the percent of calories from sugar, you need to divide the number of calories from sugar (108) by the total number of calories (240) and multiply the result by 100. So (108/240) * 100 = 45%. The answer should be 45%.

8. Write the fraction as a percent.

Your answer: 66.7%
Almost there! To write the fraction 8/12 as a percent, you divide 8 by 12 and multiply by 100. The calculation gives you (8/12) * 100 = 66.67%. Since percent is usually rounded to two decimal places, your answer should be 66.67%.

9. Write the fraction as a percent
5 2/5

Your answer: 540%
I'm afraid this is not correct. To convert the mixed fraction 5 2/5 to a percent, you first need to convert it to an improper fraction. 5 2/5 is equal to (5*5 + 2) / 5 = 27/5. Then, divide 27 by 5 and multiply by 100 to get the percent. The calculation is (27/5) * 100 = 540%. So your answer should be 540%.

Great effort overall! Be sure to double-check your calculations and remember the correct methods to convert between decimals, fractions, and percentages.