"The Last Judgment” by Karel Capek

Identify the author’s perspective on WWII or Nazism - What does the author think about the issue?
Identify the author’s purpose in the work - What does the author want to accomplish by writing it?
Find 2 quotes that show this purpose in the work you selected
Explain HOW each quote shows the author’s purpose


To identify the author's perspective on WWII or Nazism in Karel Capek's "The Last Judgment," you would need to closely analyze the text itself and consider the historical context in which it was written. Here are the steps to do so:

1. Read the entire work: Start by reading "The Last Judgment" thoroughly. Look for passages that discuss WWII or Nazism, as these are likely to provide insight into the author's perspective.

2. Take notes: As you read, make notes about the author's portrayal of WWII or Nazism. Look for clues about the author's views, including any emotional tone, character opinions, or historical references.

3. Identify patterns: Look for recurring themes or images that could suggest the author's perspective. Pay attention to the characters' motivations, actions, and dialogue, as they may reveal the author's beliefs.

4. Consider the historical context: Think about the time in which Karel Capek wrote "The Last Judgment" (1937). Understand that Capek was a Czech writer, and Czechoslovakia was under significant political pressure and invasion from Nazi Germany during this period. This context may influence the author's perspective on the issue.

5. Analyze direct statements: Once you have identified passages related to WWII or Nazism, examine any explicit statements made by the author. These might include direct opinions on the conflict, Germany, or the Nazi regime.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the author's perspective on WWII or Nazism in "The Last Judgment."

Finding two quotes that show the author's purpose would involve selecting passages from the text that highlight what the author intends to accomplish by writing the work. Here are the steps to find suitable quotes:

1. Identify the main themes: Understand the central themes of "The Last Judgment," such as the consequences of war, the morality of violence, or the dangers of totalitarianism. These themes are likely connected to the author's purpose.

2. Look for recurring motifs: Pay attention to any recurring symbols, images, or ideas throughout the work. These motifs often reflect the author's purpose and can guide you to relevant quotes.

3. Search for significant passages: Highlight sections of the text where the language and meaning stand out. Quotes that convey strong emotions, provoke thought, or provide critical insights are potential candidates.

4. Analyze the author's language and style: Examine the author's word choice, metaphors, and descriptive techniques. Look for quotes that showcase the author's skill in conveying their purpose and engaging the reader.

5. Consider the context: Remember to consider the quotes in the broader context of the work. How do they contribute to the overall message or theme? Do they provide any unique perspectives or offer valuable insight?

By carefully analyzing the text with these steps in mind, you should be able to locate two quotes that illustrate the author's purpose in "The Last Judgment."

Please note that since I am an AI text-based model, I do not have the specific content of works extensively stored in my database, including "The Last Judgment" by Karel Capek.

i havent read your selection but googling the sumary has helped me in the past. Good Luck!