If a animal is a ectoterm, it has?

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1.) D

2.) B
3.) C
4.) D
5.) A
6.) C
7.) B
8.) D
9.) A
10.) B
11.) D
12.) C
13.) B
14.) C
15.) A
16.) B
17.) A
18.) D
19.) D

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1.) D

2.) B
3.) C
4.) D
5.) A
6.) C
7.) B
8.) D
9.) A
10.) B
11.) D
12.) C
13.) B
14.) C
15.) A
16.) B
17.) A
18.) D
19.) D

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If an animal is an ectotherm, it means that its body temperature is primarily regulated by external sources of heat, such as the environment. Ectothermic animals, also known as cold-blooded animals, cannot generate sufficient metabolic heat to maintain a constant internal body temperature like endothermic animals (warm-blooded animals) can.

To determine if an animal is an ectotherm, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the animal in question: This could be any organism from the animal kingdom.

2. Research and gather information: Use reliable sources such as scientific journals, articles, or reputable websites to learn about the specific characteristics of the animal, including its thermoregulatory capabilities.

3. Look for indications of ectothermy: Ectothermic animals exhibit certain features and behaviors that suggest their reliance on external heat sources. These may include:
- Basking in the sun or seeking sheltered areas for warmth
- Adjusting their body position to maximize or minimize exposure to heat
- Changing locations throughout the day in response to temperature fluctuations

4. Consider its metabolic rate: Ectotherms typically have lower metabolic rates compared to endotherms, as they don't need to generate as much energy to maintain a constant body temperature.

5. Consult experts: If you are unable to find sufficient information or remain unsure, consider reaching out to experts in the field of zoology or herpetology who can provide accurate and authoritative information.

Remember that the presence of any one characteristic may not be definitive proof, so it is essential to consider a combination of factors while determining if an animal is an ectotherm.