Please check my answers thank you.

1. T/F It is more cost-effective to prevent a disease than to treat one: True

2. Patients are seen here when they need to recover from a serious illness, injury, or surgery that requires a high level of specialized care.

General acute care hospital
Specialty hospital
Critical access hospital X
Rehabilitative hospital

I agree.

I agree too.

1. T/F It is more cost-effective to prevent a disease than to treat one: True

To check the answer, we can compare the costs associated with disease prevention and disease treatment. Generally, disease prevention strategies such as vaccinations, regular screenings, and healthy lifestyle practices are less expensive than the costs incurred in treating a disease in its advanced stages. Preventive measures help to identify and address health issues earlier, thus reducing the need for costly medical interventions. On the other hand, treating a disease often involves specialized care, medications, surgeries, and lengthy hospital stays, which can be more expensive in the long run. Therefore, the statement that it is more cost-effective to prevent a disease than to treat one is true.

2. Patients are seen here when they need to recover from a serious illness, injury, or surgery that requires a high level of specialized care.

To determine the correct option, we need to understand the purpose of each type of hospital mentioned:

- General acute care hospital: These hospitals provide a range of services to diagnose and treat various medical conditions. They typically handle a wide range of illnesses, injuries, and surgeries.

- Specialty hospital: These hospitals focus on providing specialized care for specific medical conditions or patient populations. They may have expert staff, specialized facilities, and advanced technologies dedicated to a particular area of medicine.

- Critical access hospital: Critical access hospitals are generally smaller facilities located in rural areas that provide essential emergency services and acute inpatient care. They aim to reduce the distance rural residents have to travel for care.

- Rehabilitative hospital: Rehabilitative hospitals focus on helping patients recover from serious illnesses, injuries, or surgeries through specialized rehabilitation programs and therapies.

Based on the description given in the question, the most suitable option would be a rehabilitative hospital. These hospitals offer high-level specialized care to help patients recover from serious medical conditions and improve their functionality.