I am having a hard time with this. I appreciate your help thank you

Directions using the scenario below address the following
What are some of the ethical concerns or dilemmas that you may encounter? Discuss resources available to you to assist you in addressing these encounters.

Scenario :
In 5-10 years you see your self working as a Health Sevices Administrator for Veteran Affairs.

In the next 5 to ten years I see myself working as a Health Services Administrator for Veteran Affairs. As a Health Services Administrator, I will play an import part in establishing programs and environments that will directly impact the delivery of patient care. Some of the ethical concerns or dilemmas that I may encounter include limited resources, quality of care

Try Googling ethics Health Services Administrator for Veteran Affairs.

Ms. Sue’s instructions are good. I hope you’re following them.

In your writing, you still need to work on getting rid of wordiness.
How can you simplify these sentences, get rid of wordiness, and end up with one concise sentence?
“In the next 5 to ten years I see myself working as a Health Services Administrator for Veteran Affairs. As a Health Services Administrator, I will play an import part in establishing programs and environments that will directly impact the delivery of patient care.”

and patient safety, conflicts of interest, confidentiality and privacy issues, and ensuring equitable access to healthcare services for all veterans.

To address these ethical concerns or dilemmas, there are several resources available to assist you:

1. Code of Ethics: Familiarize yourself with the Code of Ethics for Health Services Administrators, which outlines the principles and standards of ethical conduct in the field. This code serves as a guide for your decision-making process and can aid in navigating ethical dilemmas.

2. Ethical Guidelines and Policies: Stay updated with the ethical guidelines and policies set by Veteran Affairs and other relevant healthcare regulatory bodies. Understand the rules and regulations governing the delivery of healthcare services to veterans and ensure compliance with these guidelines.

3. Organizational Support: Seek guidance from your superiors, mentors, or colleagues within the organization. Discuss ethical concerns and dilemmas with them, as they may have experience in similar situations and can provide insights or advice on how to navigate them effectively.

4. Ethical Committees or Institutional Review Boards (IRBs): Many healthcare organizations, including Veteran Affairs, have established ethical committees or IRBs to review and address ethical issues. These committees provide a platform to discuss and resolve ethical concerns, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interest of patients and align with ethical principles.

5. Ethical Decision-Making Models: Familiarize yourself with ethical decision-making models such as the "Four-Principles Approach" (autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice) or the "Ethical Decision-Making Framework" (identify the problem, gather information, analyze options, make a decision, act, and reflect). These models can help structure your approach when faced with ethical dilemmas.

6. Continuing Education and Training: Attend seminars, workshops, or conferences that focus on ethics in healthcare administration. These educational opportunities can provide you with additional knowledge, perspectives, and skills to address ethical concerns effectively.

Remember, ethical challenges are inevitable in healthcare administration, and it is crucial to approach them ethically, professionally, and with consideration for the well-being of veterans. Utilizing these resources will assist you in making informed decisions and ensuring the highest standards of ethical conduct in your role as a Health Services Administrator for Veteran Affairs.