Write the number as a power of 5. 125^3

125 = 5^3

125^3 = (5^3)^3 = 5^(3*3) = 5^9
125 = 5*5*5
125^3 = 5*5*5 * 5*5*5 * 5*5*5 = 5^9

To write 125^3 as a power of 5, we need to find the exponent that produces 125 when multiplied by itself three times. In other words, we need to find the number x such that 5^x = 125.

To find the value of x, we can use logarithms. The logarithm of 125 to the base 5 can be written as log base 5 of 125, or log₅(125).

Using a calculator or by looking up the value of log₅(125), we find that log₅(125) is equal to 3.

Therefore, 125^3 can be written as (5^3)^3, or 5^(3 * 3), or 5^9.

So, 125^3 can be expressed as 5^9.