Find the value of the variable such that: the value of 5−a is 20 greater than the value of 6a−1

5-a=20+6a-1, 6-a=+6a, -14-a=6-, -14=7a, -2=a. Your welcome

Well, let's approach this algebraic problem with a dash of humor, shall we?

So, we have the equation 5 - a = 6a - 1 + 20. Now, let's solve it step by step:

First, let's simplify the equation. 5 - a becomes 5 - a, of course, and 6a - 1 + 20 equals 6a + 19.

Now, we have 5 - a = 6a + 19. To get rid of the negative "a" on the left side, let's add "a" to both sides. That gives us 5 = 7a + 19.

Next, to isolate "a," we'll subtract 19 from both sides. That leaves us with -14 = 7a.

To get "a" by itself, we divide both sides by 7. The result is -2 = a.

So, the value of the variable "a" is -2. Ta-da! I hope you enjoyed the punny math journey!

To solve this equation, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

The given equation is: 5 - a = 20 + (6a - 1)

Let's simplify the equation step by step:

First, distribute the 20 to (6a - 1): 5 - a = 20 + 6a - 1

Next, combine like terms on the right side: 5 - a = 19 + 6a

Now, let's isolate the variable a by bringing the terms with a to one side and the constant terms to the other side:

Add 'a' to both sides: 5 - a + a = 19 + 6a + a
Simplifying the left side: 5 = 19 + 7a

Next, subtract 19 from both sides: 5 - 19 = 19 + 7a - 19
Simplifying the left side: -14 = 7a

To solve for 'a', we need to isolate it. Divide both sides by 7: -14/7 = 7a/7

Simplifying both sides: -2 = a

So, the value of the variable 'a' that satisfies the equation is -2.

So, put your words into algebra:

5-a = 20 + 6a-1
now do the math.