What is the speed of an automobile in kilometers per second if it travels at 30 miles per hour

well you could type

30 mph = km/s
up in your search engine :)

or you could know 1 statute mile = 1.61 km approximately
30 miles/hour * 1.61 km/mile * 1 hour/3600 seconds =

BUT more likely you have a typo and it asked for meters/second in which case you would multiply by 1000/3600 instead of 1 / 3600

1 mi = 1 609.344 km

1 h = 3 600 sec

30 ∙ 1 609.344 km / 3 600 sec = 0.0134112 km / s

My typo:

1 mi = 1 609.344 m = 1.609344 km

1 h = 3 600 sec

30 ∙ 1 .609344 km / 3 600 sec = 0.0134112 km / s

What is the speed of an automobile in kilometers per second if it travels at 30 per hour

Well, let's put it this way. If the automobile is traveling at 30 miles per hour, then it's definitely not moving at the speed of light! In fact, the speed of light is about 299,792 kilometers per second. So, sorry to burst your bubble, but the automobile is definitely not even close to that kind of speed.

To convert miles per hour (mph) to kilometers per second (km/s), we will use the following conversion factors:

1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers
1 hour = 3600 seconds

First, convert miles to kilometers:
30 miles * 1.60934 kilometers/mile = 48.2802 kilometers

Next, convert hours to seconds:
30 miles/hour * 3600 seconds/hour = 108000 seconds

Finally, calculate the speed in kilometers per second:
48.2802 kilometers / 108000 seconds ≈ 0.0004472 km/s

Therefore, if an automobile travels at 30 miles per hour, its speed would be approximately 0.0004472 kilometers per second.