Please check my answers thank you.

1. T/F Infant mortality rates for some populations are twice as high as others in the U.S.

I am not sure I fully understand the question but I say False because There are countries that spend almost half as much and have lower infant mortality rates.

2. T/F Children that do not qualify for Medicaid, cannot get coverage with CHIP True I believe that Medicaid and the CHIP program go together.

3. _________________ has some interest/investment in the healthcare system.

All of the above X

Question 1 is not asking about rates in other countries. Read that again and make sure you know what it's really saying.

Question 2 — read carefully: "Insurance program that provides low-cost health coverage to children in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to buy private insurance."

Question 3 — I agree with you.

1. T/F Infant mortality rates for some populations are twice as high as others in the U.S.

The correct answer is True. Infant mortality rates can vary significantly based on different populations within the U.S. Factors such as socioeconomic status, access to healthcare, and healthcare disparities can contribute to variations in infant mortality rates.

To determine if the statement is true or false, you can conduct some research or look for reliable sources that provide statistics on infant mortality rates in different populations. Government websites, research articles, or reputable news sources can provide you with accurate information for your answer.

2. T/F Children that do not qualify for Medicaid cannot get coverage with CHIP.

The correct answer is False. Children who do not qualify for Medicaid may still be eligible for coverage through the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Medicaid and CHIP are both programs that provide healthcare coverage for eligible low-income individuals, but they have different eligibility criteria and are designed for different populations.

To confirm your answer, you can refer to official government sources that provide information on Medicaid and CHIP eligibility requirements. The Medicaid and CHIP websites or informational materials can help you understand the eligibility criteria and coverage options for children in the U.S.

3. _________________ has some interest/investment in the healthcare system.

The correct answer is All of the above. Consumers, the government, and businesses all have some interest and investment in the healthcare system. Each of these entities plays a role in shaping and supporting the healthcare industry and addressing healthcare-related issues.

To determine the correct answer, you can think about how each of these entities is involved in the healthcare system. Consumers have an interest in accessing affordable and quality healthcare services. The government has an interest in regulating and financing healthcare to promote public health. Businesses have an interest in providing healthcare benefits to employees and may invest in healthcare-related industries.

By considering the roles and interests of each entity, you can conclude that all of them have some level of interest or investment in the healthcare system.