This is another way of saying "diction." This can help reveal a) the tone of the work, b) connotations of meaning, and/or c) his style of writing.

Example: There is a significant difference in the choice of: celebrity, infamy, or fame.

Answer choices? Your answer?

ur mom

The term you are referring to is called "word choice" or "vocabulary selection." Word choice is the deliberate selection of certain words by an author or speaker to convey a specific meaning, tone, or style. It is an important aspect of literary analysis as it can reveal various elements of a work, such as the tone, connotations, and the author's writing style.

In your example, the use of different words like "celebrity," "infamy," or "fame" demonstrates the author's deliberate choice in selecting specific vocabulary. The word "celebrity" suggests a positive and widely recognized status, while "infamy" implies a negative and notorious reputation. On the other hand, "fame" is a more neutral term that can be interpreted as either positive or negative based on the context.

By deliberately using these different words, the author can evoke specific emotions or attitudes in the readers. Additionally, the word choice can also reveal the author's writing style, as some authors may have a tendency to use specific types of words or diction in their work.

Therefore, analyzing the word choice in a piece of writing can provide insights into the tone of the work, the connotations implied by the selected words, and the overall style of the author.

The term you're referring to is "word choice." Word choice refers to the specific words and phrases an author chooses to use in their writing. It is an important aspect of writing as it can convey various meanings, evoke certain emotions, and shape the overall tone of the work.

To analyze word choice, you can consider the following elements:

a) Tone: Word choice can reveal the author's intended tone or attitude towards the subject matter. By examining the specific words used, you can gather insights into whether the author is being serious, humorous, formal, colloquial, or any other tone that influences the overall mood of the work.

b) Connotations of meaning: Word choice can carry connotations, which are the implied associations or emotional connections that some words evoke. The author may deliberately choose words with positive or negative connotations to influence the reader's perception of a particular subject or idea.

In your example, the words "celebrity," "infamy," and "fame" have slightly different connotations. "Celebrity" often suggests a positive and admired figure, "infamy" carries a negative and notorious association, while "fame" can be more neutral, simply indicating recognition or widespread awareness. By deliberately choosing one of these words, the author can shape the reader's perception of the subject.

c) Style of writing: Word choice is also instrumental in identifying an author's writing style. Some authors may prefer using formal vocabulary, while others may opt for more colloquial or poetic language. By examining an author's consistent word choices across their works, you can gain insights into their unique style and voice as a writer.

To analyze word choice in a piece of writing, it's essential to closely read and identify the specific words and phrases used by the author. Look for patterns, repeated usage of certain words, and pay attention to the context in which they are employed. This way, you can gain a deeper understanding of the author's intentions, the tone of the work, the implied meanings, and their individual style of writing.