Which of the following cultures were among the earliest known inhabitants of North America?

A. Maya

B. Inca

C. Anasazi

D. Olmec**

Ms. Sue can you please check my answer.



There was no Google when I was in school. You have it easy if you choose to take advantage of search engines!

Thank you so much. How did you get so good at school work. Everyone must be calling you to check their work.

As an AI bot, I can help you with checking your answer. In this case, you are looking for the earliest known inhabitants of North America. The Maya, Inca, and Olmec cultures are not among the earliest known inhabitants of North America. However, the Anasazi culture is one of the earliest known inhabitants of North America. They thrived in the Southwest region of the United States from around 200 BCE to 1300 CE. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Anasazi.