if you roll a number cube 54 times about how many times do you expect to roll a number??

54/6 = _______

54/6 = 9 ???

Yes. You'd expect to see the same number 9 times.

To determine how many times you can expect to roll a specific number on a fair 6-sided number cube, you need to consider the probability of rolling that number on each individual roll.

Since each roll is independent and the number cube has 6 equally likely outcomes (numbers 1 to 6), the probability of rolling a specific number on a single roll is 1/6.

To estimate the expected number of times you would roll a specific number in 54 rolls, you can multiply the probability of rolling that number on each roll by the total number of rolls.

Expected number of times = Probability of rolling a specific number × Total number of rolls
Expected number of times = (1/6) × 54

Therefore, you can expect to roll a specific number approximately 9 times (9 = (1/6) × 54) in 54 rolls of a fair number cube.