Forces A,45N at an angle of 0

degree to horizontal, force B, 30N at an angle of 300 degree to the vertical.force C,unknown?



To determine the unknown force C, we can use trigonometry.

We have two forces A and B, both given with their magnitudes and angles with respect to horizontal and vertical axes.

Force A has a magnitude of 45N and an angle of 0 degrees to the horizontal. This means that force A acts entirely in the horizontal direction.

Force B has a magnitude of 30N and an angle of 300 degrees to the vertical. To find the vertical and horizontal components of force B, we need to find the angle between the force and the horizontal axis. Since 300 degrees is in the fourth quadrant, we can subtract it from 360 degrees to get 60 degrees.

Now, let's calculate the vertical and horizontal components of force B:

Vertical component of force B = 30N * sin(60 degrees)
Horizontal component of force B = 30N * cos(60 degrees)

Vertical component of force B = 30N * √(3)/2
Horizontal component of force B = 30N * 1/2

Vertical component of force B = 15√3 N
Horizontal component of force B = 15N

Now, let's add up the horizontal components of forces A and B, and the vertical components of forces A and B. The resulting vector will give us the unknown force C:

Horizontal component of force C = Horizontal component of force A + Horizontal component of force B
Vertical component of force C = Vertical component of force A + Vertical component of force B

Horizontal component of force C = 45N + 15N
Vertical component of force C = 0 + 15√3 N

Horizontal component of force C = 60N
Vertical component of force C = 15√3 N

Now, to find the magnitude and angle of force C, we can use the Pythagorean theorem and inverse trigonometric functions:

Magnitude of force C = √((Horizontal component of force C)^2 + (Vertical component of force C)^2)
Angle of force C = atan(Vertical component of force C / Horizontal component of force C)

Magnitude of force C = √((60N)^2 + (15√3 N)^2)
Angle of force C = atan((15√3 N) / (60N))

Magnitude of force C ≈ 63.25N
Angle of force C ≈ 14.04 degrees to the vertical

Therefore, the unknown force C has a magnitude of approximately 63.25N and is inclined at an angle of approximately 14.04 degrees to the vertical.

To find the unknown force C, you can use vector addition. First, we need to resolve each force into its horizontal and vertical components.

Force A:
Given magnitude: 45 N
Angle to horizontal: 0 degrees

The horizontal component of force A is calculated using the formula:
Horizontal component (A_x) = Magnitude of force A * cos(angle to the horizontal)
A_x = 45 N * cos(0)
A_x = 45 N * 1
A_x = 45 N

The vertical component of force A is calculated using the formula:
Vertical component (A_y) = Magnitude of force A * sin(angle to the horizontal)
A_y = 45 N * sin(0)
A_y = 45 N * 0
A_y = 0 N

So, the resolved components of force A are:
A_x = 45 N (horizontal component)
A_y = 0 N (vertical component)

Force B:
Given magnitude: 30 N
Angle to the vertical: 300 degrees

The horizontal component of force B is calculated using the formula:
Horizontal component (B_x) = Magnitude of force B * sin(angle to the horizontal)
B_x = 30 N * sin(300)
B_x = 30 N * (-0.5)
B_x = -15 N

The vertical component of force B is calculated using the formula:
Vertical component (B_y) = Magnitude of force B * cos(angle to the horizontal)
B_y = 30 N * cos(300)
B_y = 30 N * (0.866)
B_y = 25.98 N (approximately)

So, the resolved components of force B are:
B_x = -15 N (horizontal component)
B_y = 25.98 N (vertical component)

Now, let's find the components of the unknown force C. Since force C is unknown, we'll represent its magnitude as C and its angle to the horizontal as θ.

The horizontal component of force C is calculated using the formula:
C_x = A_x + B_x
C_x = 45 N + (-15 N)
C_x = 30 N

The vertical component of force C is calculated using the formula:
C_y = A_y + B_y
C_y = 0 N + 25.98 N
C_y = 25.98 N

Now, we can find the magnitude and angle of force C using the resolved components.

The magnitude of force C (C) is calculated using the formula:
C = sqrt(C_x^2 + C_y^2)
C = sqrt((30 N)^2 + (25.98 N)^2)
C ≈ sqrt(900 N^2 + 675.6 N^2)
C ≈ sqrt(1575.6 N^2)
C ≈ 39.69 N (approximately)

The angle of force C (θ) is calculated using the formula:
θ = arctan(C_y / C_x)
θ = arctan(25.98 N / 30 N)
θ ≈ arctan(0.866)
θ ≈ 40.95 degrees (approximately)

Therefore, the unknown force C has a magnitude of approximately 39.69 N and is at an angle of approximately 40.95 degrees to the horizontal.