(1) Sal looked at the map one more time. (2) She knew that the whole troop was depending on her. (3) Sal couldn’t decide if the trail was to the east or to the west. (4) The map was confusing. (5) Sal was tired. (6) She needed to make a decision.

Which of these revisions combines sentences 5 and 6 using a subordinating conjunction?
1. She needed to make a decision, yet Sal was so tired.
2. She needed to make a decision, and Sal was so tired.
3. So Sal was tired, and she needed to make a decision.****
4. Even though Sal was tired, she needed to make a decision.

No. Not 3.

2 then?

Ok thank you

You're welcome.

To determine the correct revision that combines sentences 5 and 6 using a subordinating conjunction, we need to first identify the subordinating conjunctions.

A subordinating conjunction is a type of conjunction that introduces a subordinate clause, which cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Common subordinating conjunctions include "because," "although," "since," "if," "when," "while," and "after," among others.

Let's analyze the given options:

1. "She needed to make a decision, yet Sal was so tired." - This option uses the coordinating conjunction "yet," which does not make these sentences subordinate to each other.

2. "She needed to make a decision, and Sal was so tired." - This option uses the coordinating conjunction "and," which also doesn't create a subordinate relationship between the sentences.

3. "So Sal was tired, and she needed to make a decision." - This option does not use a subordinating conjunction to combine the sentences. Instead, it uses the coordinating conjunction "and."

4. "Even though Sal was tired, she needed to make a decision." - This option uses the subordinating conjunction "even though" to introduce the subordinate clause, which makes it the correct choice.

Therefore, the correct revision that combines sentences 5 and 6 using a subordinating conjunction is: "Even though Sal was tired, she needed to make a decision."

That's not my choice. But go with the one that you prefer.