Which detail in the selection confirms your prediction from the previous question? (Previous question was "Which is the best prediction based on the first three sentences of the selection?")

1. Sandy gives the narrator vegetables from her garden.
2. The narrator digs up the seeds that have not yet sprouted.
3. With Sandy’s help, the narrator’s garden is much better after a year.****
4. The narrator plants a vegetable garden in Georgia in May.

Yes, 3.


You're welcome.

To determine which detail in the selection confirms the prediction from the previous question, we need to refer back to the prediction made based on the first three sentences of the selection. Unfortunately, the prediction from the previous question is not provided in the current question. However, if we assume that the answer to the previous question is option 3, "With Sandy's help, the narrator's garden is much better after a year," then the detail in the selection that confirms this prediction is also option 3, "With Sandy’s help, the narrator’s garden is much better after a year." The fact that Sandy's help resulted in the narrator's garden improving over time aligns with the prediction.