Idk how to do this equation, please help! I don't want the straight answer, I just need guidance on how to do it.

Here's the problem:
Note: Enter your answer and show all the steps that you use to solve this problem in the space provided.

4x + 6 < -6

Subtract 6 from both sides.

Then divide both sides by 4.

Subtract 6 from both sides, then divide both sides by 4. When you multiply/divide, you need to reverse the carat.

The sign is reversed only when the divisor is negative.

You need to reverse the inequality sign only when you multiply/divide by a negative number. In this case we divided by +4, so no reversal

To solve the inequality 4x + 6 < -6, we need to isolate the variable x on one side of the inequality sign. Here's how you can approach this problem step by step:

Step 1: Move the constant term
Start by subtracting 6 from both sides of the inequality. This will cancel out the constant term on the left side and leave us with the variable term on the left side:

4x + 6 - 6 < -6 - 6

Simplifying the equation, we get:

4x < -12

Step 2: Divide by the coefficient of x
To isolate x, we need to divide both sides of the inequality by the coefficient that is multiplying x, which is 4. Remember to flip the inequality sign when dividing by a negative number.

(4x)/4 < -12/4

Simplifying the equation, we get:

x < -3

So the solution to the inequality 4x + 6 < -6 is x < -3. Keep in mind that the inequality sign remains the same (<) since we did not multiply or divide both sides of the inequality by a negative number (only dividing by the positive coefficient).