What is one way Central American countries have worked to improve their economies?

by reducing the types of goods they trade

by raising tariffs on imported goods

by participating in free-trade agreeements

by imposing embargos on imports from other countries


Remember that the Central American countries aren't all alike.

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One way Central American countries have worked to improve their economies is by participating in free-trade agreements. To arrive at this answer, consider the different options and eliminate those that are unlikely to contribute to economic improvement.

A. By reducing the types of goods they trade: Narrowing down the types of goods traded would actually limit economic opportunities and potentially hinder growth.

B. By raising tariffs on imported goods: Increasing tariffs on imported goods could protect domestic industries, but it may also lead to higher prices for consumers and potentially discourage foreign investments.

C. By participating in free-trade agreements: This option offers significant potential for economic improvement. Free-trade agreements facilitate the exchange of goods and services between countries with reduced or eliminated trade barriers, promoting economic growth, job creation, and market expansion.

D. By imposing embargoes on imports from other countries: While imposing embargoes on imports may protect domestic industries, it can also provoke retaliation from other countries and disrupt international trade, which in turn can harm the local economy.

Considering these factors, option C, participating in free-trade agreements, best aligns with efforts to improve Central American economies.