Bi-weekly mortgage is $576. Monthly phone charges are $44.95. The electric bill last month was $105.88. Groceries cost about $98/week. What is a good estimate of your monthly expenses?

To estimate your monthly expenses, we can add up all the given expenses:

Bi-weekly mortgage: $576 x 2 = $1152 (per month)
Monthly phone charges: $44.95
Electric bill last month: $105.88
Groceries: $98/week x 4 = $392

Now, let's add them up:

$1152 + $44.95 + $105.88 + $392 = $1694.83

Therefore, a good estimate of your monthly expenses would be approximately $1694.83.

To get a good estimate of your monthly expenses, you need to calculate the total amount spent on each expense and then sum them up.

First, let's calculate the total spent on groceries in a month. Since groceries cost $98 per week, we can multiply this amount by the number of weeks in a month (approximately 4.33).

Groceries per month = $98/week * 4.33 weeks ≈ $424.34

Next, to find the total monthly expenses, add up the mortgage, phone charges, electric bill, and groceries.

Total monthly expenses = Bi-weekly mortgage + Monthly phone charges + Electric bill + Groceries per month
Total monthly expenses = $576 + $44.95 + $105.88 + $424.34

Calculating this sum, we get:

Total monthly expenses ≈ $576 + $44.95 + $105.88 + $424.34 = $1151.17

Therefore, a good estimate of your monthly expenses is approximately $1151.17.

1200 + 50 + 100 + 400 = $______

What about transportation? What about entertainment?