Solve the inequality. Explain all steps and identify the properties used.


n−3+5 > 4

n+2 > 4
so, what do you think comes next?

Just add 3 and subtract 5 from both sides as in an equation.

To solve the inequality n - 3 + 5 > 4, follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression on the left-hand side of the inequality:
n - 3 + 5 can be simplified to n + 2.

Step 2: Rewrite the inequality with the simplified expression:
n + 2 > 4

Step 3: To isolate n, subtract 2 from both sides of the inequality:
n + 2 - 2 > 4 - 2
n > 2

Step 4: The solution to the inequality is n > 2. This means that any value of n greater than 2 will satisfy the inequality.

Properties used:
1. Addition property of inequality: This property allows adding or subtracting the same value to both sides of an inequality.
2. Simplification property: This property allows simplifying an expression by combining like terms.