Brazil’s economy today can be best described as

a. Relying mainly on agriculture
b. modern and diversified
c. Dependent on a single product
d. Focused on coffee and sugar cane

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To determine the best description of Brazil's economy today, we need to gather information. One way to do this is by conducting research using reliable sources such as government reports, economic publications, and reputable news sources.

1. Start by searching for recent data on Brazil's GDP composition. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product, which is a measure of the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders.

2. Look for information on Brazil's major industries and sectors. This can include agriculture, manufacturing, services, technology, finance, and others.

3. Analyze the data and determine the dominant sectors contributing to Brazil's GDP. Pay attention to trends and changes over time.

Based on the most up-to-date information about Brazil's economy, the answer to the question could be determined.