can I become a doctor if I do these subjects

Yes -- but you need many more years of education to become a doctor.

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To become a doctor, you typically need to complete certain academic requirements and meet specific prerequisites. While the exact requirements vary depending on the country and the medical school, here are some of the common subjects you will need to study:

1. Biology: This subject is essential as it forms the foundation of medical knowledge and covers topics such as cell structure, genetics, and physiology.

2. Chemistry: Both general and organic chemistry are important for understanding the chemical processes in the human body, drug interactions, and laboratory techniques.

3. Physics: Physics helps you understand concepts like radiation, forces, and pressure, which are applicable in medical fields like radiology and biomechanics.

4. Mathematics: Although not typically a strict requirement, a solid foundation in mathematics is useful for various medical calculations and understanding research studies.

5. English: Strong communication skills, including fluency in English, are crucial for interacting with patients and colleagues.

In addition to these subjects, medical schools often consider other factors such as extracurricular activities, personal statements, and entrance exams like the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) or the UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) as part of the evaluation process.

To determine the specific requirements for medical schools in your region, it is recommended to research the admission criteria published by reputable institutions or consult with a pre-medical advisor.