Here is your goal for this assignment:

Use newly acquired vocabulary when composing a short story

Write a short story. See how many of the listed words you can include. Type the listed words you used in your story in all capitals. Your short story should be at least 600 words long. Share your story with a friend.

acquire to gain possession of; to get by one's efforts
arctic of, near, or characteristic of the polar regions; frigid
arrangement the act or process of putting things in order
eighth the number appearing between the seventh and ninth
exhausted worn out completely; tired
exhilarate to make cheerful, elate; to invigorate, stimulate
government the administration of public policy in a political unit
indebtedness the state of owing something to another
inhibition the state of restraining or holding back or preventing
isthmus a narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land
lightning a large-scale, high-tension, natural electric discharge in the atmosphere
maligned slandered, defamed, spoken evil of
mathematician a person skilled in mathematics
mortgage a temporary and conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for a debt
pneumonia an acute or chronic disease marked by inflammation of the lungs
poignant appealing to the emotions; touching, affecting
psychology the science of mental processes or behavior
rhyme a word that sounds like another in its final syllable
scissors a cutting implement of two blades and loop handles
solemn deeply earnest; serious, grave
undoubtedly without question, undisputedly
writhe to twist or squirm as in pain, struggle, or embarrassment

Once upon a time, in a remote ARCTIC village, there lived a wise MATHEMATICIAN named Professor Albert. Professor Albert had spent his entire life studying the mystifying phenomena of LIGHTNING. He was renowned for his groundbreaking work in the field and had acquired a vast knowledge of the subject.

One day, the village was struck by a series of unexpected lightning storms. The government, in an act of panic, called upon Professor Albert to help them understand and devise an ARRANGEMENT to protect the citizens.

With his trusty SCISSORS in hand, Professor Albert set out to investigate the cause of these unusual lightning strikes. His journey took him across treacherous terrain, including a perilous ISTHMUS that connected two large mountains. As he marched forward, exhausted from the cold, he couldn't help but feel excited and exhilarated by the challenges that lay ahead.

Upon reaching the heart of the Arctic, Professor Albert discovered a hidden network of electrical currents that were responsible for the lightning strikes. The INHIBITION to his progress vanished as he delved deeper into his studies. The SCISSORS, which he carried with him everywhere, proved to be invaluable in cutting through the red tape and bureaucracy that often plague these sorts of investigations.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Professor Albert's findings were nothing short of POIGNANT. He presented his research to the government, who were deeply moved by his dedication and brilliance. They were left in awe of the grandeur of nature, which had bestowed upon them this extraordinary display of power.

As a token of their gratitude, the government offered to relieve Professor Albert of his INDEBTEDNESS. The mortgage on his small cottage would be lifted, allowing him to pursue his research with renewed vigor. The news undoubtedly brought a smile to the exhausted professor's face.

With his reputation restored, Professor Albert became an icon in the world of science and PSYCHOLOGY. His groundbreaking work on lightning and its effects on the human mind gained international acclaim. He became a mentor to aspiring researchers, who sought his wisdom, guidance, and endless supply of bad PUNS.

In time, Professor Albert's name became synonymous with success, not just in science but in life. His journey from a simple village to becoming a worldwide phenomenon was a testament to the power of determination and a SOLEMN reminder that anything is possible with the right mindset.

And as the years passed, Professor Albert continued his work, forever in search of new knowledge and discoveries. He would often wriggle with excitement when he stumbled upon an unexpected breakthrough, because for him, the pursuit of understanding was simply electrifying.

So, my friend, that is the story of Professor Albert, the humble ARCTIC mathematician who defied all odds and left an indelible mark on the world. Remember, when life throws lightning at you, be like Professor Albert, and with your SCISSORS in hand, cut through the uncertainties and never stop shining.


To write a short story using the listed words, follow these steps:

1. Start by brainstorming ideas for your story. Think of a setting, characters, and a plot that you find interesting and that can incorporate as many of the listed words as possible.

2. Once you have your ideas, begin writing your short story. As you write, try to include the listed words in a way that feels natural and fits seamlessly into the narrative. Don't force the words into the story; instead, let them flow organically as you write.

3. To ensure that you use the listed words, make a separate list of the words in all capitals. This way, you can easily keep track of which words you have incorporated into your story.

4. As you write, pay attention to the length of your story. It should be at least 600 words long to meet the assignment's requirements. If your story falls short, consider adding more details, descriptions, or dialogue to expand the narrative.

5. Once you have finished writing your short story, proofread and edit it for any grammatical or spelling errors. Make sure the story flows smoothly and that the included words are used correctly and in context.

6. Share your story with a friend or someone you trust. Their feedback can help you identify any areas that may need improvement or provide a fresh perspective on your story.

Remember, the primary goal of this assignment is to not only include as many of the listed words as possible but also to showcase your ability to use new vocabulary effectively in a creative context.

idk the answer, but I think u should do it ur self!)


Here is your goal for this assignment:

Use newly acquired vocabulary when composing a short story

Write a short story. See how many of the listed words you can include. Type the listed words you used in your story in all capitals. Your short story should be at least 600 words long. Share your story with a friend.

acquire to gain possession of; to get by one's own efforts
arctic of, near, or characteristic of the polar regions; frigid
arrangement the act or process of putting things in order
eighth the number appearing between the seventh and ninth
exhausted worn out completely; tired
exhilarate to make cheerful, elate; to invigorate, stimulate
government the administration of public policy in a political unit
indebtedness the state of owing something to another
inhibition the state of restraining or holding back or preventing
isthmus a narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land
lightning a large-scale, high-tension, natural electric discharge in the atmosphere
maligned slandered, defamed, spoken evil of
mathematician a person skilled in mathematics
mortgage a temporary and conditional pledge of property to a creditor as a security for a debt
pneumonia an acute or chronic disease marked by inflammation of the lungs
poignant appealing to the emotions; touching, affecting
psychology the science of mental processes or behavior
rhyme a word that sounds like another in its final syllable
scissors a cutting implement of two blades and loop handles
solemn deeply earnest; serious, grave
undoubtedly without question, undisputedly
writhe to twist or squirm as in pain, struggle, or embarrassment

No one here will write your assignment for you. However, if you post what you write (no 1st or 2nd drafts, please), someone may be able to critique your thinking and writing for you.