Six times the sum of a number and 16 is at most 27.

Use the variable y for the unknown number.

To solve this problem, we can start by translating the given information into an equation.

The sum of a number (y) and 16 can be represented as y + 16.

Six times this sum can be written as 6(y + 16).

The word "is" in this context can be translated as an equals sign (=).

Finally, "at most" indicates that the equation satisfies an inequality symbol (≤).

Putting it all together, the equation becomes:

6(y + 16) ≤ 27.

To find the value of y that satisfies this inequality, we need to isolate y by solving the equation step by step.

First, distribute 6 to y and 16:

6y + 96 ≤ 27.

Next, subtract 96 from both sides to isolate the variable term:

6y ≤ 27 - 96.

Simplifying the right side gives:

6y ≤ -69.

Finally, divide both sides of the inequality by 6 to solve for y:

y ≤ -69/6.

This can be simplified as:

y ≤ -11.5.

Therefore, the unknown number (y) is less than or equal to -11.5.

6(y + 16) < 27